The Post-Trauma Vision Syndrome is a disruption of the visual process, causing eye problems like difficulty with accommodative function, binocular fusion, and fixation ability. MRI findings are usually negative in post-trauma vision syndrome. The injuries suffered are most often diffuse and are caused by shearing and stretching of the brain fibers, as well as the neurotoxic cascade induced by the injury.
Symptoms & Signs of
Post-Trauma Vision Syndrome
- Binocular Vision Difficulties
- Accommodative Dysfunction (focusing problems)
- Convergence Insufficiency
- Slow Blink Rate
- Poor Ocular Fixations and Pursuits
- Unstable Ambient Vision (confusion in busy visual environment)
- Increased Myopia (due to high focal state of regard)
- Light Sensitivity
- Blurry Vision
- Diplopia (double vision)
- Objects Appear to Move
- Poor Visual Concentration and Attention
- Asthenopia (eyestrain)
- Balance or Postural Problems
- Photophobia (light sensitivity due to an over-stimulated focal visual system)
Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation may include the design and prescription of therapeutic and/or compensative lenses or prisms, selective occlusion, neuro-optometric rehabilitative vision therapy, and other medically necessary visual modalities and strategies to enhance and/or rehabilitate disrupted visual function, and to re-establish a more normal ambient-focal vision relationship.
There’s more to healthy eyes than 20/20 eyesight!