Brain span is a simple test that measures the inflammatory balance of your cells & allows you to track the health of your brain. It helps you to reduce pain, lower inflammation, and even decrease the risk of dementia. When your brain works right, your body works right.

One Test Kit – Two Assessments
Dried Blood Spot

One drop of blood is used to measure fatty acid biomarkers that are critical to optimal brain function and to preserving brain health as you age.
Cognitive Function Test

Each Brain Span kit also includes a 15-20 minute online test (for patients 15 and older) which measures your memory, attention, cognitive flexibility & processing speed. This test uses the world’s largest, standardized, normative brain health database and has been validated in over 450 studies world-wide.
One Personalized Report

The report quantifies the 1) health of the tissues in your body by examining closely specific levels of key nutrients in the red blood cells and 2) the functional capacity of subset of cells, called neurons, that make up the human brain. This test is measuring the health of all your tissues through a functional lens of cognitive demand.


Order your kit now to extend the health and fitness of your brain!